Sexual Health
Both men and women need to look after their sexual health and take time to understand the issues that surround contraception and sexually transmitted infections (STIs).
For instance there are some STIs, like chlamydia, that you could be carrying without having any symptoms. This infection can affect fertility, so it’s important to make use of the sexual health services available for free on the NHS.
We can preform Chlamydia screening from urine tests and self swabs at the surgery.
iCASH is the Cambridgeshire Sexual Health service, based at Lime Tree Clinic (Contraception and Sexual Health), Brookfields Hospital, 351 Mill Road, Cambridge, CB1 3DF.
There are also Satellite clinics in Sawston and Woodlands surgeries.
Please telephone 0300 300 3030 for appointments.
Or book online- http://www.icash.nhs.uk/
Click here for a Family Planning Association leaflet comparing different types of contraception. Take note in particular of the Long Acting Reversible Contraception (LARC) type of contraception which are not dependant on remembering to take/use the type of contraception. Dr Madabhushi is the Lead clinician on contraception and fits coils and implants. Please book an appointment with a GP to discuss these for further information.
BPAS (British Pregnancy Advisory service)
Is a not for profit organisation offering Reproductive advice, and termination of pregnancy care. They are based at Bridge street Medical Centre, 2 All saints passage, Cambridge, CB2 3LS. Call 03457 304030