Cambs GP Network offers GP, Nurse and Healthcare Assistant appointments outside of the usual opening times of local surgeries. For Cornford House Surgery, this service is available on Saturdays (09.00 – 17.00) and Monday evenings (18.30 – 22.00). They also operate out of other local surgeries on other days.
You can book an appointment through our receptionists at the surgery, they will give you the time, date and venue for your appointment. These are for non-urgent, routine appointments only. They currently offer the following services:
– GP Consultations
– Advanced Nurse Practitioner consultations
– Nurse appointments offering dressings, asthma and diabetes reviews, contraception reviews, etc
– Health Care Assistant appointments offering wound care, blood test, etc
– Phlebotomy: Routine blood tests are available within our Enhanced Access Clinics
– Cervical Screening
Please note that we will require your consent to share access to your medical record for their clinicians to be able to assist you.
For more information, you can visit their website by clicking on the link below.