5 a day- Live well campaign.  Advice and tips on what counts and why it’s important.  Click here

Top Diets review for 2017.  Looking at the Pros and Cons of various diets.  Click here

Diabetic Dietary advice from Diabetes.co.uk.  Click here

or From DiabetesUK- click here

Low GI (Glycaemic Index) diet.  This is about eating food which releases its energy slowly, maintaining more steady energy levels.  Click here for a useful BBC article and here for a comprehensive list.

Physical Activity Opportunity for adults with a Medical Condition.  This is a Council supported scheme, offering residents cheap access to exercise professionals.  It aims to provide a structured approach to aid weight loss, maintain mobility and strength and keep joints and bones healthy, prevent or manage Diabetes, reduce risk of Heart disease and stokes, improve mood, and even reduce the risk of certain cancers and aid recovery.  You need to book an appointment with a Health care assistant or nurse or GP.  Click here for in information leaflet.