The Household Support Fund is a new fund which aims to help those struggling to pay for food, energy or other essential items. If you, or someone you know is struggling to keep warm and fed, please go to Household Support Fund – Cambridgeshire County Council to see if you could be eligible to apply to the… Continue reading Household Support Fund
Author: TopDogDigital
Cervical Cancer Screening
Two people die every day from cervical cancer in England, yet it is one of the most preventable cancers and getting your screening can help stop it before it starts. Screening helps prevent cervical cancer by checking for a virus called high-risk HPV which causes nearly all cervical cancers. This is the best way to find… Continue reading Cervical Cancer Screening
Bowel Cancer Screening
NHS Bowel cancer screening video…
Healthy You
Healthy You is a free service for Cambridgeshire and Peterborough residents who are looking to make changes to their lifestyle. With an aim to help people stop smoking, lead a more active lifestyle or get a NHS Health Checks. Have a look at what they offer at their website here
Think and Act F.A.S.T. if you see any single one of these signs of a stroke:
A stroke is known as a ‘brain attack’. It is a medical emergency that requires immediate attention as every minute is vital. That is why calling 999 is so crucial. Early recognition of symptoms can give stroke patients those extra precious minutes, enabling faster access to specialist treatment and increasing the chances of a recovery… Continue reading Think and Act F.A.S.T. if you see any single one of these signs of a stroke:
Can you claim free NHS prescriptions
Click here to read our Free NHS prescriptions guide.
Military Veterans
If you’re an Armed Forces Veteran please let us know, you can do this via livechat, submit a administrative eConsult or pop in to see us, we can add this to your medical record so you can access veteran specific health services for health conditions relating to your service.